Goldener Herkules: Forest of Frames


Forest of Frames

In the early months of 2023, a group of students from the Ecole supérieure d'art Pays Basque (ESAPB) and the Kunsthochschule Kassel engaged in a collaborative film project that approached the forest of Reinhardswald with the aim of discovering the complex web of interdependencies that makes up the forest (trees, fungi, animals, people). A polyhedric film that combines performative, documentary, essayistic and experimental forms. Video, 8mm, 16mm, photography, digital 3D and phytography are merged in this film, with each chapter presenting a different frame that can be taken from the forest.


  • Duration: 76 Min.
  • Premiere: World Premiere
    • Director: Elio Azan, Tina Blanche, Charlotte Ella Bouchon, Hana Bourahla, Sarah Courtois, Alicia Fonseca, Franziska Funke, Stella Hood, Venus Kaiser, Felix Krutzenbichler, Janis Schmidt, Alisa Siebert, Maceo Touzet, Leonie Witka, Carla Michèle Aubert Yustos